Scene 96
Scene 96 International Edition (Zyklop Software) (Disc 1) (1997).iso
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Text File
352 lines
The official
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infofile, version 1.05a, 25th February 1996
created by Zed/Remal
╔═────────────── · ───────────────────────── ·
│ 0 - Contents │
· ───────────────────────── · ──────────────═╝
0 - Contents (wow!)
1 - Ceremonial Opening
2 - The Past
3 - Memberlist
4 - Releases
5 - How To Contact Us
6 - Getting Our Productions
7 - The Future
8 - Greetings
9 - Ceremonial Closing
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│ 1 - Ceremonial Opening │
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If you are interested in the demo group Remal, this file will tell
you most of the information you might need. Everything stated in this
file is true, unless it turns out not too be. ;-)
We are mainly interested in making demos, intros and other scene-
related productions, but developing games or other commercial software
is, of course, always possible.
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│ 2 - The Past │
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...is uninsteresting...
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│ 3 - List of All Members │
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SB ∙ real name: Somogyi Balázs, job: code, age: 18
∙ studies unformation technology in Gyôr, Hungary
∙ always sits near his computer and active as hell
∙ has a strange, but very brutal humor...
∙ 4 cm taller / 6 kg lighter than Zed
∙ answers to letters excruciatingly slowly
Zed ∙ real name: Konyha Zoltán, job: code, age: 18
∙ studies unformation technology in Budapest, Hungary
∙ always sits near his computer, but lazy as hell
∙ likes all kinda music, including classical, hardcore, rave,
progressive rock, metal, etc.
∙ has longer hair then some other humans
∙ 182 cm / 65 kg, getting fattish!
Cimo ∙ real name: Prohászka Imre, job: graphic, age: 22
∙ goes to medical university, so has little time for scene
∙ won the university pool championship
∙ casino magician
Bana ∙ real name: Prohászka Gábor, job: ray-trace, age: 18
∙ studies economy in Budapest, Hungary
∙ finished secondary school a month ago
∙ lazy bodybuilder =)
∙ likes alternative music
Netron ∙ real name: Rainer Saarela, job: music, age: 17
∙ answers slower then Epton, and that's hard to beat! ;-)
Epton Gwedik ∙ real name: Hartmann Tamás, job: music, age: 18
∙ sometimes replies slower then a sloth, and does not tell
you he has done a helluva track...
∙ has a dog
∙ his favorite band is Prodigy (surprising, eh?)
∙ haven't seen him for months... :-(
Illegal ∙ real name: Fodor Máriusz, job: music, age: 17
∙ he might start learning to play the piano :-)
∙ has dog and a lazy, fat cat
∙ always wakes me (Zed) up when he visits me (comes too early)
∙ likes rave music (again surprising...)
? ∙ real name: ?, job: GRAPHIC, age: ?
╔═───────────────────── · ────────────────────── ·
│ 4 - Releases So Far │
· ───────────────────── · ─────────────────────═╝
Here is a list of everything we have officially released so far.
Anything else you might have from us must be a mistake, or so...
Name: The Spinning Wheel
Category: demo
Requirements: 386+, VGA, GUS
Filename: tsw.zip
Size: 360 kb
Date: 09-04-1994
Other info: Came second at the Hammering'94 party in Budapest; a
party that rose a lot of controversy later...
Name: The Spinning Wheel - Sound Blaster support
Category: demo
Requirements: 386+, VGA, SB
Filename: tsw_sb.zip
Size: 5 kb
Date: 11-04-1994
Other info: SB support for TSW, includes a very bad player...
Name: Virtuosys
Category: 4k-intro by SB
Requirements: 386+, VGA, [no sound]
Filename: virt.zip
Size: 6 kb
Date: 06-08-1994
Other info: 8th at Assembly'94.
Name: Cinderella
Category: picture by Cimo
Requirements: VGA
Filename: cinderel.zip
Size: 22 kb
Date: 06-08-1994
Other info: Competed at Assembly'94.
Name: Come!
Category: 4k-intro by Zed
Requirements: 386+, VGA, [no sound]
Filename: come!.zip
Size: 7 kb
Date: 12-09-1994
Other info: This intro was meant to compete at Assembly'94, but the
final version did not make it to the party.
Name: Mod-Rip 1.10
Category: utility
Requirements: some computer
Filename: mod-rip.zip
Size: 11 kb
Date: 21-08-1994
Other info: Can rip 4-6-8 channel MODs.
Name: C00lizer 1.00
Category: utility
Requirements: some computer
Filename: c00lizer.zip
Size: 8 kb
Date: 22-10-1994
Other info: Extremely stupid and useless.
Name: E-con (several versions)
Category: BBS-intro for the E-Connect BBS
Requirements: 286+, VGA, Ad Lib compatible
Filename: econ-112.zip (latest)
Size: ? kb (varies, source code included)
Date: 22-09-1994 through 22-04-1995
Other info: Designed by Ratt/gRiF; music composed by ATX, the sysop.
Name: SBM-play, SB's moduleplayer for GUS
Category: utility
Requirements: 386+, VGA, GUS
Filename: sbmplay.zip
Size: 314 kb
Date: 25-10-1994
Other info: Source code is included. Bugreports are welcome!
Name: Tro
Category: 64k-intro
Requirements: 386+, VGA, GUS
Filename: tro.zip
Size: 59 kb
Date: 09-04-1995
Other info: 1st at Scenest'95
Name: SceNEst'95 musicpack
Category: modules
Requirements: some player to hear'em
Filename: scen_mus.zip
Size: 732 kb
Date: 22-04-1995
Other info: includes three S3Ms and an XM
Name: Module Ripper 2.0 - coded from scratch
Category: utility
Requirements: some computer
Filename: modrip20.zip
Size: 23 kb
Date: 22-04-1995
Other info: Rips MOD, STM, S3M, XM, ULT, MTM and 669 modules.
Name: Barn
Category: raytrace picture by Bana
Requirements: SVGA (640x480x256 GIF)
Filename: barn2.zip
Size: 199 kb
Date: 26-04-1995
Other info: Winner at SceNest'95 raytrace compo.
Name: About the Sun and the Heaven
Category: module (18 channel XM)
Requirements: ears
Filename: abouts&h.zip
Size: 609 kb
Date: 09-01-1996
Other info: Winner of the EXE'95 multichannel music compo.
Name: Distant
Category: 512 byte intro
Requirements: 386+, VGA
Filename: distant.zip
Size: 5 kb
Date: 25-02-1996
Other info: I hoped there would be a 512 byte-compo somewhere...
And the row - hopefully - continues...
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│ 5 - How To Contact Us │
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Contancting us via mail is a safe but slow way. Anyway, once your
letter made it to us you can be sure of receiveing an answer. I hope
that I'll have internet access, at least beginning with September.
Konyha Zoltán ∙ friendship
H-9024 Györ ∙ coding issues
Ikva u. 63. ∙ everything about the tema
e-mail: zed@netsplit.sch.bme.hu
Somogyi Balázs ∙ coding issues
H-9028 Györ ∙ demos
Széna u. 13. ∙ friendship
Bana & Cimo
Prohászka Gábor & Imre ∙ ray-trace issues
X-xxxx Xxxx ∙ handmade graphics (Cimo)
Xxxxxxx x. x/x.
Epton Gwedik
Hartmann Tamás ∙ nice music
H-2896 Szomód
Kossuth u. 64.
Rainer Saarela ∙ cool music
Saarelantie 11
90900 Kiiminki
e-mail: ntr@kiilin.kiiminki.fi
Fodor Máriusz ∙ music music
H-2890 Tata
Veres Péter u. 34.
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│ 6 - Getting Our Productions │
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You can download our productions from the following boards:
Board Number SysOp Status
───────────── ──────────────────── ──────────────────────── ─────────
E-Connect +36-1-2757049 ATX/SHOCK! WHQ
Dune +33-1-47022597 Bisounours/Nuage distro
Solarium +358-31-3170851 Peak/Anarchy FHQ
Enigma BBS +32-(0)2-640.31.36 Dark Angel BHQ
VHS BBS +36-52-438191 Madboy/Orion distro
Evolution +46-8-50022544 Thor/Creation SHQ
If you have access to Internet, check out netsplit.sch.bme.hu using
anonymous ftp.
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│ 7 - The Future │
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We seem to be too fucking lazy.
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│ 8 - Greetings │
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Here are the lists you are too bored to look at, anyway:
│ Greetings │
· ───────── · ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ·
│ Abaddon ∙ Anarchy PC ∙ AstroIdea ∙ Byteam ∙ Camorra ∙ Capacala ∙ Cascada
│ Complex ∙ Criminal Gang ∙ Crypton ∙ Deus ∙ Drool ∙ Dust ∙ Eternal
│ Exhumers ∙ Fascination ∙ Flatline Production ∙ Future Crew ∙ Gitanes
│ Gollum ∙ gRiF ∙ Hydrogen ∙ Hypervibe ∙ Iguana ∙ Jamm ∙ Majic 12 ∙ MFC
│ Murmidones ∙ NBL ∙ Nooon ∙ Nuage ∙ Orange ∙ Orion ∙ Plant/EMF ∙ SHOCK!
│ Substance ∙ Surprise! Productions ∙ Syndicate ∙ @ ∙ Triton ∙ Zola
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│ 9 - Ceremonial Closing │
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Thanks for reading so far; there's nothing more, so you can press ESC.
That's ceremonial enough, ain't it? :-)